My Challenges

I am currently working for better health, a better home, a better future, and a better me. I have set 6 goals to be accomplished in the next 6 months. And I have rewards

My challenges My rewards

To lose 39 pounds Red hair

Walk a half marathon A new outfit, tip to toe

An uncluttered home A Christmas party

Publish 3 of my
A new computer
mother's books

Start kickstarter A gazebo/hammock

Take a scriptural journey This is its own reward

I have posted about these goals - you can read the post dated Jul 18, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sunrises, life lessons, and dreams of the future

I just saw the most beautiful sunrise. Bands of pink and blue across a pale sky. I saw it just before the blues faded to gray. there's still a hint of pink, but it is fading fast. I saw the sunrise because of a moth. I was sitting, working (or playing) on my computer when a huge moth started thumping into the light overhead. I mean a HUGE moth. So I turned off the light in hopes the moth would chase the outside light instead. And coming back to my seat, I saw it. Amazing how "distractions" can lead us out of ourselves. I suppose there's a lesson in that. Don't let myself get focused on the little stuff so that I miss the big stuff. Today is a big day for me. In just over an hour I leave to attend a seminar on e-marketing. I had planned to take some time off to attend it, but my employer would not approve the time off. He told me to attend on company time. :) After the seminar (it's a short seminar, only a few hours), then I work, then my TOPS group, then my writer's group. I have been very focused on editing my mother's books, so I have not spent a lot of time on my writing. Mostly I critique other people's writing at the group. But today, I am bringing my own stuff. I wrote a short romance. And I am bringing an envelope and if they approve the story without changes - I'm submitting it today. If they have something I can improve, then I'm going to edit the story and send it tomorrow. Either way, I'm submitting! For me, this is the first step toward my personal publishing goals. If this story is accepted, I'm going to use the money from that to hire an illustrator. Wish me luck!! by teh way, as I look outside the window the sunrise that I had thought was fading took on new life. The sun is rising over the horizon, somewhere past the trees, and the light has turned all the clouds into a rosy orange. Like the sky catching fire. I suppose there's some lesson in that too, about not accepting soemthing is over or something like that. I'll have to look for that lesson another day.

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