My Challenges

I am currently working for better health, a better home, a better future, and a better me. I have set 6 goals to be accomplished in the next 6 months. And I have rewards

My challenges My rewards

To lose 39 pounds Red hair

Walk a half marathon A new outfit, tip to toe

An uncluttered home A Christmas party

Publish 3 of my
A new computer
mother's books

Start kickstarter A gazebo/hammock

Take a scriptural journey This is its own reward

I have posted about these goals - you can read the post dated Jul 18, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


It’s amazing how quickly a person can overwhelm themselves. My problem is getting bogged down in the details. My challenges sound good. They are important. But they are also a lot to ask. So where do I change? Thank heaven for counseling. Really. My husband and I have a standing appointment with a therapist every third Monday. It has been a godsend. For both of us. So we talked about Eric and how he’s coping. Then we talked about me and how I’m coping. I explained my goals and how I’m trying to achieve them. And how when I started getting past the lofty ideals and into the nitty gritty details, I started getting worn out. Just looking at my to do list made me tired. So he suggested I modify them a little. And prioritize. So – now that I know what to do so I don’t feel overwhelmed, I am prioritizing my goals. Foremost – walk with God. When I take time to pray, read the scriptures, and truly invite God into my life, it makes my day better and helps me cope. Second – fitness. As Rob (my therapist) pointed out, Taking care of my physical needs and my spiritual needs will ‘sharpen the saw’ and make everything else easier. So eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising are high on the priority list. The half-marathon itself is not high priority. Getting myself in shape to walk a half-marathon is. And losing the weight. I am carrying around way too much extra baggage physically and that in itself is exhausting. Third priority – getting my mother’s books published. One book is already out there. Dearly Beloved by Carolyn Wright – available on Amazon. If you like historical romances, read it! And although the goal is to have three books on the market by Christmas, the third book itself is a lower priority. The second book, however, is high priority. I’m working on it right now. Well, not right this minute, since right this minute I’m posting on my blog, but during this time frame. It has a high priority. Fourth priority – the clean house thing. I’m modifying it a little, though. I’m allowed to have a cluttered craft room. And my office doesn’t have to be pristine, although if I have a stack of paper that needs organizing I will not consider my house clean. What is important is that I have my table clear at least once per week. And the front room has to have enough clear floor space to allow me to use my exercise dvds and the wii and xbox. If the floor didn’t get swept on Monday, I won’t freak out. Is it sad that my last priority is my own writing? It’s not my lowest priority item. I am working on my writing. But the other items will have a higher impact on my life right now. A much higher impact. So we’ll see how it goes. And if I can be not so overwhelmed that I do not function.

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