My Challenges

I am currently working for better health, a better home, a better future, and a better me. I have set 6 goals to be accomplished in the next 6 months. And I have rewards

My challenges My rewards

To lose 39 pounds Red hair

Walk a half marathon A new outfit, tip to toe

An uncluttered home A Christmas party

Publish 3 of my
A new computer
mother's books

Start kickstarter A gazebo/hammock

Take a scriptural journey This is its own reward

I have posted about these goals - you can read the post dated Jul 18, 2013

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

On my way - At Last!

I am on my way at last! I have been practice writing this blog for the last month. I have managed to make at least one post each week, so now it's time to go live. I will add those other posts. Eventually. But I am here! Now what do I say? :)

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